Google recently launched a mobile friendly Google Talk chat web app aimed specifically for iPhone and iPod Touch users, in a nod to its rival Apple in the mobile platform space. You may have heard about Google’s open mobile platform called Android to which as far as anyone is concerned is just vaporware until it actually shows up in phones that consumers will want to buy despite Google’s attempts to attract developers to its platform. Not wanting to lose out on as a player in the mobile chat space, it looks like Google Talk won’t be waiting for Android to mature as users can now chat with friends while on the move simply by pointing their Safari browsers (to preview in your regular browser, point to Google Talk runs entirely on the webpage and requires no external software or downloads just like how Google Talk works in Gmail.
Using Google Talk on the iPhone is simple and intuitive and gives a consistent experience to the full browser version like being able to browse you favorite contacts and multiple conversation support. One drawback, however, is that unless you are surfing the Google Talk mobile page on Safari, you won’t be able to receive any instant messages as you will automatically be put in “Unavailable” status.
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